Saturday, March 14, 2020

How to engage the world while remaining pure of heart

What is the basis on which I can partake in contemporary culture without being corrupted by those aspects of it which are opposed to my Catholic identity?

Here are some thoughts, which probably need refining:

1. We need to have an interior sanctuary which is pure and innocent. In other words, we need a robust spiritual life focused on allowing the Lord to purify us. This is the heart.

2.  Around that we need to cultivate the natural and supernatural virtues and be docile to the gifts of the Spirit.

3. Around that we need assent to the truths of the Faith and the right use of reason.

4. Around that we need to cultivate a Catholic imagination.

5. Around that we need harmony with nature.

One must keep these things secure in order to negotiate the culture without being compromised or corrupted in mind, will, imagination, or spirit.

We can't do it alone. We need to be part of a community that is intentionally pursuing the same goal.

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