Wednesday, January 08, 2020

The priority of the interior

We do not know the interior life of others, even those prominent orthodox Catholics that we admire so much. They may be doing and saying the right things in public, but are interiorly disordered. It will eventually show. Their sin will bring them down. 

This has happened to so many prominent Catholics in the past 30 years that it could be quite discouraging. I hesitate to name names, but I think you can fill in the blanks. We tend to make idols of those who publicly manifest values we hold dear. Of course, if you do not admire the person in the first place, or think that he is off base, you may be inclined to gloat at his fall.

The danger of inattention to our interior life applies to us all. If we are not taking care of our interior life, all the good that we do will be destroyed and others will be scandalized or vindicated. We can't continue with a false front. You will know a tree by its fruits.

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