Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Visitation House

Catholic writer Margaret Fenelon, who is also a family friend, has helped establish a new vocation discernment residence here in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee called

Women's House of Discernment
A Vibrant, Catholic Community
for women ages 20-35 considering the married,
lay celibate, or consecrated life
Here is their rational:
Young women cannot fulfill their deepest vocation until crucial doors have been opened to them:
  • Reaching awareness of what vocation options are available to them
  • Discovering how to discern which option God wills for them
  • Exploring the process necessary to work toward that vocation
The best way to do this is to investigate and experience the various vocations in an atmosphere that is authentically Catholic, nurturing, encouraging, and conductive to discernment....(more)

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