Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Books found

One of the most wonderful parts about working at this seminary is the astounding number of truly great books I have collected from the free book shelf near the library. It contains not only the books that the library is getting rid of because of duplication or old paper, but also any books other professors, students or members of the community are getting rid of. For instance, I have almost all the works of Chesterton because of these free books. Not that I have read them!
This morning I picked up a number of books, among which were two by Guardini and two by Evelyn Underhill. Plus, I got a replacement copy of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, which was one of the most influential books I read as an undergraduate, along with Bonaventure's Itinerarum and Newman's A Grammar of Assent. I also got a number of popular and technical books on physics and astronomy. Physics is my favorite science.
Now, if I could only retire by the fire and begin to read all these books!

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