Wednesday, January 06, 2010

New Jesuit Review

In doing some research for a project I am doing I ran across a new journal of Ignatian studies called New Jesuit Review, edited by some English speaking Jesuits in Rome. Hat tip to Vincent Strand, S.J., of the Whosoever Desires blog.

The New Jesuit Review has as its goals the recovery of Jesuit spirituality from its authentic sources and reflection by contemporary Jesuits on its significance for their lives. The writings of St. Ignatius and the First Companions, the lives of Jesuit saints and martyrs, and classics of Jesuit spirituality are examined in the spirit of Perfectae Caritatis, the Decree on the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life of the Second Vatican Council:

It redounds to the good of the Church that institutes have their own particular characteristics and work. Therefore let their founders' spirit and special aims they set before them as well as their sound traditions -- all of which make up the patrimony of each institute -- be faithfully held in honor. (Perfectae Caritatis, 2)

My family still remembers the amazing and inspiring talk Strand gave at the Arts and Sciences Honors Convocation at Marquette in 2005. There is no doubt in my mind that he is going to do great things for the Church, as will his brother, Luke, who was last year ordained priest for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. What are they drinking in the Strand household, anyway?

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