Sunday, August 25, 2002

Catechism starting point
There are three possible starting points for a catechesis–theological, cosmological and anthropological. So, one can start with the question, "Who is God?" Or one can start with creation. Or one can start with the question "Who is man?" The CCC has a clear anthropological starting point, as a reflection of the anthropological turn in 20th century theology (e.g. de Lubac). It begins with the capacity of man for God as made in His image. Revelation of Christ is the appropriate response to that capacity (although the word "response" does not imply that God does not in all things take the initiative).

How does one communicate that in a catechetical setting, especially in a world in which the sense of that capacity and the desire that comes from it is drowned out by the cacophony of modern life? I like the work of Fr. Robert Spitzer and his life principles in this regard.

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